Tips from a Knitwear Designer | November 2024

difficulty level : beginner - intermediate.
you will need :
- yarn of a similar weight in any colour (if you want to use matching yarn for your francie knit, get in touch and we can post it to you for free)
- a needle big enough for your yarn
- a darning mushroom if you have one (but you can use anything, even just an orange)
step 01.
do a running stitch up and down, leaving a warp of yarns over your hole.
step 02.
do your running stitch side to side, weaving under and over your warp of yarns.
And you are done!
You can do a tiny version of this that is almost invisible for small holes, and big versions of this for big holes. You can even do it in thinning spots to prevent a hole from happening in the first place.

For more knitwear care tips explore video series on Instagram and for more tips on how to care for your knit have a look at our care section.